Justin Bieber and Madonna Playing "Never Have I Ever" Is the Best Thing You'll See Today

Madonna's done pretty much everything.

For day three of Ellen DeGeneres's Madonna Week, Ellen brought in her new best friend Justin Bieber for a very special game of "Never Have I Ever." Madonna, legendary rule-breaker that she is, had done nearly everything Ellen asked her about, but Justin, surprisingly, had not. To be fair, Ellen didn't say anything like "never have I ever egged a house," but perhaps Justin is not as much of a troublemaker as he lets on. He's never even gotten kicked out of a club! Or so he says.

But even though you learn secrets about Madonna and Justin like which one of them has had sex with two people in one day (you only get one guess as to who has done that), the best part of this whole thing might be their strange banter. Justin seems almost intimidated by Madonna, while she's having a grand old time trying to make him squirm. "I feel like I'm getting to know my new boyfriend," Madonna says at one point, causing Justin to go in for a cautious hug. What a brave soul, to touch Madonna unbidden like that. Back off, Biebs.

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Eliza Thompson

I’m the senior entertainment editor at Cosmopolitan.com, which means my DVR is always 98 percent full. I love romance novels, bourbon, and canceling plans so I can watch Lost for the 50th time.