Sierra Starks
Sierra is a Central Coast transplant, by way of Anchorage, New York City, Pittsburgh, Atlanta and Chicago! She's been a lot of places, but is happy to finally be living by the beach. Sierra began as a print journalist, working in the world of women's magazines in NYC. Her shift to TV news was marked by Superstorm Sandy in 2012. She has vivid memories of one-man-banding in the boroughs of the city, carrying her weight in equipment on the subway, to tell the stories of those affected by the natural disaster. She most recently came from Anchorage, Alaska where she was the morning reporter for KTVA-TV and was actively involved in the YWCA and other programs geared toward empowering young women. Sierra is thrilled to be continuing that work here as well on the Central Coast. Feel free to say hello if you see her running the trails around town or at a Bikram yoga class on her days off!