6 Best Countertop Dishwashers for 2021, According to Cleaning Experts

A small kitchen doesn't mean you're destined to wash dishes by hand.

Countertop Dishwashers
(Image credit: Amazon)

If you have a small kitchen and don't have the room to install a built-in dishwasher, you may think you have no other choice but to wash dishes by hand. And since nothing makes a kitchen look messier then a pile of dirty dishes in the sink, keeping up with it all turns into a never ending task, not to mention all the water and energy hand washing dishes consumes. But even if you have limited space, a countertop dishwasher can be a time- and energy-saving solution worth considering.

These mini machines sit on the countertop next to your kitchen sink and hook up to the faucet. Most hold up to six place-settings of dishes and glassware—and like their full-size counterparts— offer multiple cleaning cycles and heating elements along with helpful features, like fold-down cup shelves, flatware holders, touch controls, detergent dispensers, pull-out racks, and more.

Carolyn Forte, a consumer products expert, is the director of the Home Appliances & Cleaning Products Lab at the Good Housekeeping Institute. With a Bachelor of Arts degree in Family and Consumer Science from Queens College, CUNY, Carolyn began her career almost 40 years ago as a textiles analyst for the Montgomery Ward Company. Today she oversees all GH Institute testing, research, and editorial production involving cleaning appliances and products, like vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, detergents, and more. She writes Good Housekeeping's monthly cleaning advice column, "Ask the GH Cleaning Lab", is the author of several Good Housekeeping books and special interest publications, including Simple Cleaning Wisdom and Get Organized in 30 Days or Less!, and is the stain-removal guru behind the genius advice on Good Housekeeping’s Amazon Alexa skill. Even in her personal life, Carolyn makes cleaning a priority: She hates dirty windows so much that she’s been known to take a vacation day to stay home and clean hers.