Cory Booker, Hillary Clinton's Potential VP Pick, Gave an Incredibly Moving Speech About Gun Violence

"The only thing necessary for evil to be triumphant is for good people to do nothing."

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The question on everyone's mind since the Orlando massacre devastated the nation: What can we do to make sure this doesn't happen again? It appears certain members of Congress have heard the public's outcry regarding guns and are finally determined to do something.

On Wednesday morning, Sen. Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, launched a filibuster on the Senate  floor to demand new gun laws. It lasted nearly 15 hours, from 11:21 a.m. until just after 2 a.m. on Thursday morning, and included an incredibly moving speech from Sen. Corey Booker, a Democrat from New Jersey, about the dire need for sensible gun policy. 

Cory Booker Gun Control Senate Democrats Filibuster: "Enough!" - YouTube Cory Booker Gun Control Senate Democrats Filibuster:
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"We just can't go on with business as usual in this body at a time when there is such continued grievance threat and vulnerability to our country where you see again and again mass shooting after mass shooting. There is a saying that the only thing necessary for evil to be triumphant is for good people to do nothing. I'm grateful to Senator Murphy for his conviction in our conversations yesterday and into the night that we could not just go along with business as usual. We had had enough."

Political commentators have thrown Booker's name into the hat as a possible vice president choice for Hillary Clinton, although a strike against Booker is that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie—a Republican and close Trump ally—would then appoint a Republican as Booker's replacement should Clinton win the White House. 

Wednesday's filibuster ended when Republican leaders in the Senate agreed to allow votes on two gun control laws. One proposal expands the requirement for mental health background check screenings at gun shows and in online gun sales, and another helps to  prevent potential terrorists from purchasing guns, according to New York magazine. A similar piece of legislation was proposed after the San Bernardino shooting but was defeated by Senate Republicans, reported. After the filibuster, Sen. Murphy addressed the tentative victory: 

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Maggie Maloney

Maggie Maloney is the associate editor at Town & Country and ELLE Decor, where she covers style, beauty, jewelry, and the many members of the royal family. She also manages social media and content strategy for both brands.