Notice Anything Strange About This Picture of Politicians Deciding the Future of Women's Health?


President Trump and Paul Ryan have been busy meeting with their fellow Republicans to talk about the GOP's Obamacare replacement bill—a bill that, if passed, would mean insurance providers no longer have to cover pregnancy, maternity and newborn care, and prescription drugs, to name a few essential health benefits.

So, who gets invited to these special meetings in which the future of our country's healthcare is determined?

Well, thanks to Cliff Sims, special assistant to the POTUS, we now have an idea. Sims snapped this picture during Trump's meeting with the Freedom Caucus, a group of conservative Republican congressmen, who apparently gave the President a standing ovation when he walked in.

Take a good look. We have a few questions.

1. Where are the women? Aside from Kellyanne Conway, there were no conservative women present for a gravely important meeting in which congressmen made decisions about women's healthcare, maternity care, mammograms, birth control availability, and access to abortion. Oh, and about Planned Parenthood. Not one chick!

Count on Samantha Bee to pick up on this omission.

2. That standing ovation paints a misleading picture. The Freedom Caucus is actually one of the reasons why Trumpcare might not pass. The group thinks the bill is too similar to Obamacare. "We have not gotten enough of our members to get to yes at this point," said caucus chairman Mark Meadows.


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Kaitlin Menza