This Woman Could Get Arrested for the Way She's Dancing

A deeper meaning to dance.

Iran has long been a restrictive place for all its inhabitants, but especially for women. In regulating outward appearance, the Iranian government mandates that women must wear three-quarter tops, which cover their hips and waist, as well as a head covering, formally called a hijab. In a new video that's been sweeping the internet, a woman who is believed to be Iranian defies these stringent expectations by dancing on top of a car, later tossing her hijab to the side to shake out her hair in time with the music. Her daring actions are met with cheers from the crowd below.

This video has been taking the web by storm, with people tweeting their support for the woman featured. The clip may represent a brave act of defiance, but if this woman is identified, it could have major repercussions from the government or private enforcers of these laws. In the meantime, what's keeping the woman safe is that she has yet to be verified as indeed Iranian. In fact, the woman has yet to be identified at all, whether it's by name or by nationality. If a punishment was handed down, it wouldn't be the first time the Iranian government penalized a citizen for this sort of expression. In May of this year, a group of Iranians were arrested after they shared a video featuring them dancing to Pharrell Williams's feel good tune, 'Happy.' However, it is this chance of legal punishment that makes this woman's video all the more empowering.

Diana Pearl

I'm an Associate Editor at the Business of Fashion, where I edit and write stories about the fashion and beauty industries. Previously, I was the brand editor at Adweek, where I was the lead editor for Adweek's brand and retail coverage. Before my switch to business journalism, I was a writer/reporter at, where I wrote news posts, galleries and articles for PEOPLE magazine's website. My work has been published on,,,, and in Every Day with Rachael Ray. It has been syndicated by,, and, among other publications. Previously, I've worked at,, and