This New Tool Tells You Exactly How Body-Positive or Body-Negative Your Tweets Are

And the results will surprise you.

Pattern, Pink, Line, Colorfulness, Orange, Peach, Triangle, Parallel, Design, Symmetry,
(Image credit: Design by American Artist)

On International Women's Day, Kim Kardashian's in-the-buff selfie sparked a global debate with an outpouring of positive and negative reactions, ranging from "let women express their sexuality and share their bodies however they choose" to don't "bombard the world with naked pictures of yourself when you're 35 year old mother of two." The primary platform for this dialogue? Twitter, of course. 

Now how's this for timing: Just days later at SXSW Interactive, Dove launched a new tool with Twitter that measures just how positive or negative your tweets are by analyzing the most popular beauty-related words you use. A part of the beauty brand's #SpeakBeautiful initiative, the tool is presented in tandem with research that hones in on our day-to-day behavior, reading in between the 140 characters on the Internet's most candid platform.

"We want to rally one of the most digitally savvy and socially conscious audiences to join the conversation," explains Jennifer Bremner, director of marketing for Dove. "Body shaming has sadly become a normal part of today's online interactions, but sometimes we do not realize the role we are playing in that conversation."

The study, which Dove collaborated on with social media scholar and principal researcher at Microsoft Research danah boyd, found that 80 percent of women come across negativity on social media, with 72 percent of girls saying that they are criticized weekly

What's more is that the month in which women are writing the most negative tweets about their bodies, as well as other people's bodies is...wait for it...MARCH—as in the month we are currently halfway through. Meaning there's no time like the present to use this tell-tale algorithm to understand your impact on body positivity in social media. Here's how to works.

1) You retweet an invitation from @Dove on Twitter

2) The technology sifts through 6 months of your history, looking at a broad variety of body and beauty-related terms and emotions, analyzing how they're used in relation to the subject of your tweets.

3) Within minutes, you'll receive a detailed and admittedly eye-opening report (including the types of words your using/frequency of which you are using) about your tweets.

For example, when we tested the tech on our Twitter account, we found that when it comes to beauty, our words are "inspiring" and that the most common emotion in our beauty tweets is "love." So yassss 🙌

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Beauty Editor

Lauren Valenti is Vogue’s former senior beauty editor. Her work has also appeared on,, and in In Style. She graduated with a liberal arts degree from Eugene Lang College, The New School for Liberal Arts, with a concentration on Culture and Media Studies and a minor in Journalism.