Kate Bosworth Made a Depressingly True Point About Hollywood Sexism

Why are men always cast before women?

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It's fair to say that between the wage gap and the job market, Hollywood is a pretty sexist place to work. But Kate Bosworth just pointed out something we'd never even considered—that production teams always seem to cast their leading men before their leading women, the implication being that men are more important and carry the movie.

Bosworth told People that men have been cast first in every movie she's worked on: "The one thing I heard on every single film—and I'm telling you there isn't an exception—whenever I'm up for a role, really no matter how big or small, the answer that I always get from anyone who's casting me [is], 'We have to cast the guy first.' Every single one, there is no exception. Unless I'm producing it."

This is obviously an example of systemic sexism—unspoken rules that are so ingrained in the way Hollywood operates, people don't even question them. "It's important to say, 'Let's look at this in an equal way. Let's look at who to cast or who to bring on or who to collaborate with because they're great or because they're right for it," Bosworth said. "I like to try to move the dial and be proactive and be aggressive and to effect change. That's just in my DNA. So the fact that I'm able to participate in that in my industry, I feel really grateful."

Yup, yup, yup, sounds good to us. Here's to more women (and men!) speaking out about this issue.

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Entertainment Editor

Mehera Bonner is a celebrity and entertainment news writer who enjoys Bravo and Antiques Roadshow with equal enthusiasm. She was previously entertainment editor at Marie Claire and has covered pop culture for over a decade.