This Man Added "Mr." to His Resume and Scored More Interviews

Who knew adding a simple pair of letters to your resume could score you more job interviews? That is exactly what happened to Kim O'Grady, a man with a gender-neutral but female-leaning name.

Who knew adding a simple pair of letters to your resume could score you more job interviews? That is exactly what happened to Kim O'Grady, a man with a gender-neutral but female-leaning name. In this article on AOL, O'Grady describes how his resume reflected his more-than-adequate qualifications for positions that he was applying to. Yet when Kim failed to hear from any prospective employers, he began applying to positions that he was overqualified for. Confused, he examined his resume, finally citing that "nothing else on my CV identified me as male." Although a little formal, Kim added "Mr." to his resume, he started to receive more and more interview opportunities.

In Kim's closing paragraph, he mentions that there was a woman at his previous company who was very good at her job and rose above the ranks. "She was the example everyone used to show that: It could be done, but most women just didn't want to do it. It's embarrassing to think I once believed that. It's even more incredible to think many people still do."

It is not uncommon for women to not be recognized for their potential in the workplace — women are being paid less (yes, it's still happening) — but to not be able to get the foot in the door for an interview based on gender? It sounds crazy and dated, but it is common. How can women "lean in" if there is no opportunity to walk in?

What do you think about gender discrimination at the workplace?