Your Letters of Support to CBS Correspondent Lara Logan

After being sexually assaulted in Cairo, we asked you to send us your best wishes, and we were impressed the outpouring of kindness and support.

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(Image credit: Archives)

Last month, CBS' chief foreign correspondent, Lara Logan, was brutally beaten and sexually assaulted while on assignment in Cairo. Marie Claire called for men and women alike to reach out to Logan through letters and words of support, and the feedback was tremendous.

Each letter has been hand-delivered to CBS, and we continue to support her by posting your comments and best wishes. Here, a selection of letters from you. Thanks for reaching out.

Don't Lose Your Spirit

Dear Ms. Logan,

I was very sad to hear of what happened to you in Egypt and would like to offer you my wishes for a fast recovery. I also hope that you are getting all the support that you need to get better. You are a great role model to girls and women of all ages — especially those aspiring to be journalists at the center of world events — with your reports from Afghanistan, Iraq, and Kosovo. I hope that your spirit isn't destroyed by this, and that you will not let the perpetrators break you.

I send you best wishes from the bottom of my heart, and hope to see you once again reporting on events from all over the world.

Yours sincerely,

Magdalena Cross; Moscow, Russia

You Will Find Your Way Out of the Darkness

Ms. Logan,

You are such a brave and courageous woman. By exposing what happened to you, you are allowing other women to have the courage to speak out in their times of darkness and suffering, so thank you. Please know that I admire you and support you in this time of tragedy. Women like you make this world a better place to live in. I will tell you what I always tell myself when I am having problems: Life is not always going to be this way. You will get better, and you will find your way out of the darkness of this moment. Allow those who love you and surround you to do just that — love you and surround you. Please know that you are being thought of and prayed for in North Carolina and all across the world, and that your tragedy has touched millions of lives. You are loved and admired.

Sarah Wade; Erwin, North Carolina

Apologize to No One

Dear Ms. Logan,

Well, I'm quite sure you never intended or expected to become the story, let alone the vortex of debate ranging from women's rights to ethnic stereotyping to U.S. presidential politics. I know I shouldn't be, but I am surprised at the degree of vitriol expressed about this incident and your role in it. It does not seem to me to be a good sign for America, or in general for the human race.

I'm sorry I can't say I've ever seen you doing your job — but enough of your peers say you're good at it that I'm willing to accept that at face value. It is probably impossible to not get swept up in all this uproar, but I hope that you do what you are able to do, when you want to do it, and to the best of your ability, independent of whatever others say. Follow your gut. Do what's right for you. Apologize to no one for following your dream and being yourself. Beauty, talent, guts, and ambition are elements of success, not vices.

And of course, my sympathies for your attack.

Wishing you a fast and complete recovery in every way,

Peter Mowery

Women Around the World Support You

Dear Ms. Logan,

I send you my heartfelt wishes as you recover from your ordeal. I hope it gives you some comfort to know that women all over the world are wishing you well and are on your side 100 percent. I hope you are able to return to your work and continue to report with the courage you have already shown.

My best wishes,

Jennifer Smart; Sydney, Australia

I Want to Be You When I Grow Up

Ms. Lara Logan,

I don't know you, but I would like to let you know that there are so many people who are praying and sending much love your way. I'm probably old enough to be your mother, but when I grow up, I want to be you. Your work has informed and engaged so many to what is going on in the world that you are one on my heroes. I will not say I know what you're going through, but I will say that I'm sorry. Even though it may sound hollow, I truly am sorry. May God be with you. Your existence and work has made and will make the world a better place. Much love and healing thoughts sent your way.


In Awe of Reporters' Bravery

I read with horror and sadness about what happened to you. I think on it a lot, and it rejuvenated my awe of the bravery that reporters can undergo so that there will be light in dark places of the universe. Brave Lara, my heartfelt thanks for withstanding and persevering with dignity through the trying times that culminated in what happened to you. While I feel sadness that people are capable of such things, I am lifted knowing of those who fought to bring you back to us, for they surely knew in that moment of your strength and beauty, which deserved protecting — offering their own lives to protect it. I will never forget thinking on this and on you. Love!

Best wishes,

Disa Johnson; Chicago, Illinois

I Am Proud of You

Dear Lara,

I am so sorry to hear about what happened in Cairo. I have been trying to think of what I might say to you about what you are going through. I was hoping that by some miracle I would come up with the right words to comfort you. I still struggle with what to say, so I will simply say this: I am very proud of you! I have never met you and probably will never have the opportunity to. You are an inspiration to many people, including me, and I know that you will overcome this with time. I was sorry that I missed you when you came to speak at Indiana University. I have talked with several of my patients who were in attendance and they still speak of your dedication to your profession. I am not surprised! I wish you the very best and a speedy recovery! I would be honored to meet you if given the chance! You will be in my thoughts and prayers!

All the best,

Marc J. Meadows, DDS

Women Everywhere Need to Band Together

Dear Lara,

Last year you came out to Missoula, Montana, to the Hilton Garden Inn and spoke on the issue of the Afghanistan war. I was in the audience as a banquet server and full-time graduate student, and I appreciated your perspective on global events. You have traveled extensively in search of the reality of war and revolution. I was deeply affected by the news of your assault. Women everywhere need to band together and fight against sexual terror. Your strength is much admired and please know that thoughts of your recovery are sent from Montana.

Laura Murray, Montana

Tell Marie Claire: Have more to say to Lara Logan? Share your thoughts and best wishes in the Comments section below!

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