Big Girl in a Skinny World: Fashion Resources

Ashley Falcon directs you to the best online resources for plus sized fashionistas.

ashley falcon
(Image credit: Greg Kessler)

Week after week I receive emails from followers of my column and blog asking all kinds of questions (and giving all kinds of praise!). First, let me say, I am trying to respond to all of your emails, so please bear with me. Secondly, you are all very kind. Though the emails vary, one question seems to repeat itself: "Where do you find your information and inspiration?"

As an avid fashion lover, I can never seem to get enough of either. Almost daily, you can find me browsing my laundry list of fashion magazines and blogs (plus-sized and straight-fashion alike). I love magazines, of course, but I also love that the Web has enabled non-magazine-editor fashionistas to share their style and thoughts with the world—no matter their dress size. These days, aside from my regular fashion reads (FashionistaThe CutThe SartorialistSea of ShoesWho What Wear Daily, and, I've also bookmarked plenty of amazing blogs by plus-size girls finding their place in fashion and helping others do the same.

One of my favorite girls on the web is Gabi Gregg. She runs Young, Fat, & Fabulous, and she has a style all her own. Her blog is jam-packed with the latest information for the plus-size girl. She frequently reviews items from popular plus-size destinations and holds nothing back when it comes to her opinions. Updates on her page are frequent, and many come in the form of self-portraits to help readers put together fashion-forward outfits. She also offers photo-heavy mini-profiles of fellow fashionable plus-size ladies. My favorite thing about Gabi: She shares the love by offering a list of her must-read blogs for the plus-size girl. Nearly all should be required reading.

Many plus-size fashion blogs prefer to show rather than tell, and with good reason. For the fashion novice, it's easy to look at a photo and mimic what you see, over time developing a style all your own. Another great blog in this vein is Fatshionable, by a 24-year-old who goes by J. With her mix of high end and low end, plus-size and not, J's outfits are quirky and interesting. Two other blogs I love are Musings of a Fatshionista and The Curvy Girl's Guide to Style. Are there any fashion blogs you read every day? Do you have your own blog? Let me know. I'd love to hear from you—and lengthen my reading list!



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