Richard Marx Called Out Trump and It's The Only Thing in This World Bringing Me Joy

"I misspoke. I meant to say..."

Donald Trump
(Image credit: Getty Images)

Wherever you go, whatever you do, there will be a wince-inducing Trump news story waiting for you when you get back. Now, you probably felt a familiar flicker of anxiety when you read that, but you may also have recognized the chorus to the '89 Richard Marx classic "Right Here Waiting." But what does one have to do with the other, you may ask?

Well, until today, not much: One is a timeless piece of music, and the other is orange and very, very mean. Today, however, Richard Marx himself, a man I thought was a one-hit wonder but whose Twitter bio informs me has actually created 50 number-one hits, thank you very much, weighed in on Trump's "would/wouldn't" snafu via Twitter, writing:

I misspoke. I meant to say I “wouldn’t” be right here waiting for you.

If you, like me, have tried very hard to forget the background of this story, Trump said Monday, "I don't see any reason why it would be" in regard to Russia hacking the 2016 election. The next day, he came back to say he'd misspoke (kind of): "The sentence should have been, ‘I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t be Russia,’' he insisted.

The world and internet alike promptly lit up with responses, ranging from, "Are you actually kidding me?" and "Isn't this treason?" to Richard Marx's one-liner, which I personally believe to be the only amusing part of this entire national nightmare.

If you're still a little iffy on what Marx is referencing—and, if so, my advice is to go and watch a batch of '90s romantic comedies immediately—let me refresh your memory.

Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you...

Whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks...

Speaking of my heart breaking... Oh, we've come full circle.


Face, Head, Nose, Mouth, Lip, Cheek, Eye, Hairstyle, Skin, Chin,

(Image credit: Getty Images)
Digital Director

Jenny is the Digital Director at Marie Claire. Originally from London, she moved to New York in 2012 to attend the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism. She spent five years at Bustle building out its news and politics coverage before joining Marie Claire in 2018. She loves, in order: her dog, goldfish crackers, and arguing about why umbrellas are fundamentally useless. Her first novel, EVERYONE WHO CAN FORGIVE ME IS DEAD, was published with Minotaur Books (UK) and Little, Brown (US) in February 2024.