3 Spots You're Forgetting About When Getting Ready

Are you putting foundation *here*?

Maybe you’re the type of person who walks out the door every morning with 10 steps' worth of skin care products on and a perfect cut crease (teach us your ways, oh magical unicorn person!). Conversely, perhaps getting ready for you means throwing your hair into a top knot, splashing water on your face, and swiping on some lip balm. Another option is being a bit of both, depending on the day and your mood.

Whatever your routine may be, we can think of three important, oft-overlooked areas that likely deserve more attention: your eyes (like, your actual eyes), your décolletage, and your nails.

With just a little attention and minimal effort, these areas can totally pull a look together. Consider them the finishing touches on the masterpiece that is you. 

Violet, Eye, Eyebrow, Product, Eyelash, Brown, Organ, Iris, Eye shadow, Lens,

(Image credit: Courtesy of the makers of LUMIFY)

1. Your Eyes

Getting the comment “You look tired” is the worst. When you’re sleep-deprived, red eyes can be a dead giveaway. Apply white or beige liner along the waterline or pop on an eye mask to help. Another option? Reduce redness with drops like LUMIFY® eye drops.

[Editor’s note: LUMIFY Redness Reliever Eye Drops (lumifydrops.com/Special-Offers) work in a minute to help your eyes look brighter for up to eight hours.]


2. Your Shoulders and Décolletage

Stars on the red carpet always look so radiant from head to toe, because their professional glam squads don't restrict highlighting just to the face—and neither should you.

After applying a glow-inducing cream or powder along the tops of your cheekbones, add a dusting to the tops of your shoulders and collarbone. You can even apply a swipe down the center of your legs. Sexy, no?

White, Clothing, Street fashion, Fashion, Shoulder, Snapshot, Blazer, Waist, Jeans, Shirt,

(Image credit: Getty Images)

For even tone all over, mix a few drops of foundation with your body lotion and apply it onto the neck and décolletage. It'll help ensure that your face isn’t a totally different color than your body, and give you a flawless look.

3. Your Nails

There’s nothing like a fresh manicure to make you feel instantly put together. Don’t have time to hit the salon? Getting that polished look in a pinch only requires a bit of grooming.

If you’re pressed for time, hydrate bare nails with a hand cream or cuticle oil and hit with a four-sided buffer to achieve a smooth, even surface. It'll create a healthy shine for the world's most natural French manicure-type look (no '80s vibes in sight).

Face, Skin, Facial expression, Beauty, Head, Nose, Chin, Cheek, Tooth, Close-up,

(Image credit: mapodile)

If you've got time for one more step, apply a clear top coat or a nail primer for an extra dose of glossy shine.

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