Teenage Boy Pens Letter In Support Of Feminism (And Emma Watson!)

He gets it.

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Emma Watson is every feminist's favorite person right now. For her role as an United Nations Woman Goodwill Ambassadorshe spoke during the UN Summit last week, and gave a truly kick-ass speech on the importance of men getting behind women's rights. The on-screen Miss Granger hasn't just won the approval of tried and true feminists, but some new converts, as well. Fifteen-year-old Ed Holtom felt so strongly about Watson's message that he wrote a letter in response. British newspaper, The Telegraph, published it and naturally it went viral. "Feminism is not about man-hating or female supremacy. It is, by definition, the opposite," Holtom says. "It's pretty simple really: If you believe in the social, political and economic equality of the sexes, you're a feminist."

Holtom not only commended Watson for her speech, but expressed his dismay that his classmates at his all-boys school aren't as eager to accept feminism into their lives. Read the full letter in the tweet below.

His letter was concise, but eloquently explained everything that feminists have been trying to say for decades. Fifteen years old and he gets it. Why is it so hard for the world to do the same?


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Photo via Getty Images

Diana Pearl

I'm an Associate Editor at the Business of Fashion, where I edit and write stories about the fashion and beauty industries. Previously, I was the brand editor at Adweek, where I was the lead editor for Adweek's brand and retail coverage. Before my switch to business journalism, I was a writer/reporter at PEOPLE.com, where I wrote news posts, galleries and articles for PEOPLE magazine's website. My work has been published on TheAtlantic.com, ELLE.com, MarieClaire.com, PEOPLE.com, GoodHousekeeping.com and in Every Day with Rachael Ray. It has been syndicated by Cosmopolitan.com, TIME.com, TravelandLeisure.com and GoodHousekeeping.com, among other publications. Previously, I've worked at VOGUE.com, ELLE.com, and MarieClaire.com.