This Is Not A Drill: Chrissy Teigen Just Confirmed She's Pregnant With Her Third Child

I'm screaming!!!

Hey! You! Stop everything you're doing and go watch John Legend's music video for his new song "Wild" on YouTube! OK, fine, chances are you're caught up with something else on this fine afternoon so let me give you a quick lil TL;DR: Chrissy Teigen is pregnant with baby Stephens number three...or at least it sure looks like she confirmed it in the video. This is NOT a drill.

Chances are Chrissy and John wanted it to be a total surprise that they could announce in his video, and they succeeded. In the music vid, the two are seen being gorgeous and carefree in a convertible, on the beach, next to some majestic horses, and in a pool, all while John belts out the lyrics to "Wild." But the last few seconds are the real zinger.

In the very last moments of the song, their two children Luna and Miles enter the frame as the family of four walks together on the beach. Then, one of the closing shots shows John hugging Chrissy from behind with a zoom in shot of her hands holding her stomach. They kiss, and the screen fades black. This may seem like NBD, but Chrissy retweeted a post from Vevo that captioned the video and said "Be sure to watch it now for a beautiful surprise!"

All we've gotten from Chrissy's end is an emoji tweet, but we'll take that as a confirmation of sorts for now. Oh, and TMZ just confirmed the news.

Baby Stephens number three, people!!! That means we're getting a third Chrissy book and a third child all within the same timeline. What a world.

Alexis Morillo

Alexis Morillo is the Associate Editor at where she covers breaking food news and viral food trends.