Hillary Clinton is Making Our Dreams Come True

She's taking questions.

Hillary Clinton is visiting Twitter headquarters in San Francisco today and will take the stage in front of employees to discuss the challenges she faced and the lessons she learned as Secretary of State. You can tune in live at about 5:20 p.m. PT by visiting Clinton's Twitter profile — the event will stream from a Tweet pinned to the top of her page.

Even better, you can send in your own questions using the hashtag #AskHillary. Given the impact of Clinton's work — much of which she's documented in her new book, Hard Choices — she will surely have a lot of interesting insight to share. But we know exactly what most people plan to ask her.

In a statement, Twitter Global Media Team VP Katie Stanton said, "We frequently welcome delightful and inspiring people in to meet our employees and talk about their careers, their passions and how they use Twitter to connect with the world." Clinton, who only joined Twitter a little over a year ago, is definitely one of the top accounts to watch. Here, some of her sassiest (and smartest) tweets to date:

We completely encourage everyone to spam the chat asking if Clinton's going to run in 2016. #AskHillary