Sex Diary: My Dream Guy

I wake up in the middle of an erotic dream about a guy I dated two years before.

woman with her shirt half off touching man's chest
(Image credit: Goldmund)

Brooke, 30, online video producer, Sydney, Australia

FRIDAY 8 a.m., bed: I wake up in the middle of an erotic dream about a guy I dated two years before. I broke up with my boyfriend three months ago, and clearly I'm in need of some action.

2 p.m., walking back from lunch: Fantasize about dream guy. Try to remember why we stopped dating; I'm pretty sure it was just bad timing.

3 p.m., office: I decide to re-friend dream guy on Facebook.

SATURDAY 11 a.m., in bed with my laptop: He responds, "Hi stranger, long time no see. Give me a call sometime." Since I think men should do the calling, I send him my number.

MONDAY 5 p.m., office: Text message from dream guy: "Hey you. Want to grab a coffee sometime?" Wait half an hour before replying, "Sure. How's Saturday afternoon?"

SATURDAY 11 a.m., home: I spend over an hour doing hair and makeup. It's been two years. I want to look hot.

4 p.m., on the street: We chatted at a café for two hours, then he walked me home. Now we stand at my front door, and I get a hug and a peck on the cheek. He has a strange look on his face. "Bye," I say, and go inside.

4:15 p.m., home: He text-messages: "I was going to kiss you, but I chickened out." I reply, "You'll have to buy me dinner if you want to do that."

WEDNESDAY 10 p.m., home: Facebook message from dream guy: He has a dinner in my neighborhood Friday and wants to know if I'll be around after. It reeks of booty call, but since all I want is to get laid, I accept.

FRIDAY 10 p.m., home: No word.

10:30 p.m.: Nothing. Get ready for bed.

11 p.m.: Finally, a message: "Too late for dessert or kisses?" I tell him to come over. I reapply my makeup.

12 a.m.: He comes bearing chocolate. We sit on the couch, and he says, "Come here." We start to kiss, and then it's on. We're both topless by the time I suggest the bed.

2 a.m.: Afterward, dream guy says he has to go home, has an early day and an upset tummy. Now I recall why I broke it off. I resolve to recruit some fresh blood for my next booty call, but this one should get me through the end of the month.

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