Clips of Justin Bieber Being Repeatedly Sexualized as a Teen Are Going Viral on TikTok

This is so not OK.

Justin Bieber poses at the Much Music Environment, August 7th, 2009. Bieber, a 15-year-old from Stratford, recently hit it big after singing on YouTube.
(Image credit: Photo by Ian Willms / Getty)

Clips of Justin Bieber being repeatedly disrespected and sexualized as a kid have resurfaced on TikTok, and they show just how toxic the culture was.

User @kendallrae111 stitched together a number of videos from when Bieber was a teenager, all of which show adults either touching the singer inappropriately or asking him intrusive sexual questions. Every clip also shows Bieber setting clear boundaries and having them ignored.

The first clip is of Jenny McCarthy kissing and groping Bieber as he walks on stage. When he steps up to the mic, he says, "Wow. I feel violated right now."

McCarthy was asked about the incident afterwards and told Entertainment Tonight, "I just got to neck Justin Bieber and grab his butt. It was a little cougar scary, but I took the opportunity and the window, considering I'll never get to do it again, and kind of molested him."

Not usually something you proudly admit to, but OK.

The second shows Katy Perry grabbing Bieber's butt, as a voiceover says she "apparently wanted to know what a Bieber butt felt like."

The next one is of James Corden telling Bieber at an awards show, "lean into me again. You smell amazing, how old are you?"

The singer answered, looking very uncomfortable, "uuuh, thank you..." but Corden asked him again how old he was. When Bieber said he was 16, the talk show host said, "I don't ever remember smelling that good at 16" then added, "wow, look at your eyes!" Bieber then turned away and batted his eyelids in apparent disbelief.

Other videos show Ellen DeGeneres showing Bieber an unauthorized paparazzi photo of him naked and David Letterman forcefully grabbing his arm.

One excerpt that has particularly shocked viewers is one of a radio presenter telling him, "My parents never gave me the sex talk, so why don't you give me the sex talk?"

Bieber told her, "I feel uncomfortable right now. Why do you want to know the sex talk from a 15-year-old boy? That's pretty weird."

A French journalist asked him if he liked French girls "because they have big boobs," as well as if he knew how to French kiss.

The TikTok then cuts to Bieber saying, "They were asking some really weird questions, and you know, I'm only 15. My mom was, like, right there."

There are a handful more, and the last clip shows Bieber telling Zane Lowe that he wants to "protect" Billie Eilish. "I don't want her to go through anything I went through," he said. Speaks for itself.


♬ retire (final) - Alvedon
Iris Goldsztajn
Morning Editor

Iris Goldsztajn is a London-based journalist, editor and author. She is the morning editor at Marie Claire, and her work has appeared in the likes of British Vogue, InStyle, Cosmopolitan, Refinery29 and SELF. Iris writes about everything from celebrity news and relationship advice to the pitfalls of diet culture and the joys of exercise. She has many opinions on Harry Styles, and can typically be found eating her body weight in cheap chocolate.