24 Hours with Beauty Icon Violette

The French makeup artist, founder, and famed Youtube muse shares her coveted beauty secrets.

(Image credit: Courtesy of Violette_Fr)

Welcome to Beauty Around the Clock, Marie Claire's weekly peek into the daily lives of some of the most game-changing women in their industries. Ever wonder how they get it all done in a day? Here's your answer.

Francophiles and beauty babes alike have followed Violette's every move for years, including yours truly. The French-born Brooklyn-based makeup artist and influencer is known for teaching all of Youtube and Instagram how to achieve that always-en-vogue French girl aesthetic. This year, she founded her own beauty line to get you there even faster. Here, how she gets it all done in a day.

Rise and Shine

I usually wake up around 6 A.M. I always brush my tongue when I wake up in the morning because [according to Ayurveda] while you are asleep, your liver processes toxins from your body that sit on your tongue, so I want to make sure I get rid of it and not swallow it back!

Morning Meal

My days have been really insane for the past few months, so I make sure that I eat a really big breakfast. That way, if I don't have time to eat lunch, at least I have some food in my stomach! I usually make eggs with some bread and a side of avocado. I also like to start with a fruit. Sometimes, I'm not in a mood for salty foods, and will eat granola with coconut yogurt. I’m a big matcha fan. I don’t drink coffee, but matcha, I love.

Simple Skincare

Once I brush my teeth, I drink a glass of water, wash my face and hit the shower. Once I get out, I spray Boum-Boum Milk on my face and body with some SPF, and then I start [my daughter] Inès' routine!

Makeup Routine

My skin is very sensitive, so I can’t really use foundation that much. So, my go-to everyday makeup routine is concealerred lipstickmascara, and perfume. Sometimes I won’t wear makeup though, as it’s important to learn to be comfortable with a bare face.

Shop Violette's Makeup Routine:

Hair Sitch

I try to wash my hair only twice a week. I have very sensitive hair and skin, so doing this has been good for me and my hair stays clean longer now. The night before cleaning my hair, I apply Boum-Boum Milk all over my scalp and hair, and then braid it before going to bed. The next day, I use Aveda shampoo and conditioner—and my hair and scalp love it! I wear it down or as a bun and I avoid blow drying. I apply Frange Puff on my bangs and roots between shampoo to remove oil, but also to bring some volume. My hair is thin, so I need help with that!

Shop Violette's Hair Routine:

On the Job

Every morning, I start the day by having a meeting with my creative and marketing teams. Then, it becomes a mix of back-to-back meetings with vendors and various departments within the company. I decided to add some inspirational moments in there, because these past months have been so intense, that I felt disconnected from my little creative inner voice. I am very lucky I was able to take some time off in Paris, and then it all came back. It reminded me that taking some calm time will make you better at what you do. Being with my daughter is very important to me too, so I pick her up from school and take care of her until bedtime, which means sometimes working after that to catch up. But I wouldn't miss these moments with her; she’s my muse, too!

Self-Care Practice

I live my life with my instinct and follow my gut, and try to be in touch with my feelings. Transcendental meditation is the most amazing tool to ground myself I have ever had. It's really incredible and, honestly, it saved me in some very hard moments. I can't seem to find the time to do it lately, but I aspire to. Otherwise, nature grounds me, and so does routine.

Sweat Sesh

With my schedule being very busy, I don’t have time to go to the gym, but I do try to bike to work every day. Since last week, I've started to work out a bit more. But let’s not get too excited, because I know I might drop off tomorrow!

Beauty Muses

I don’t really have one person that I idolize. I am inspired by people, from my closest friends to people walking down the street to my team—they all inspire me. I call all of them my muses, because my vision for my brand is to not be centered around beauty, but on who people truly are as unique individuals and what they do.

Cheap but Chic Product

I put this powder in my daughter’s bath sometimes, and it turns the water white. It's to soothe and soften skin. I think it’s super chic! Like I am giving her Cleopatra's bath!

Nightly Wind Down

A couple of months before launching [my line] and up until one week ago, I used to not wind down—just work until bedtime. Let’s be real, building a start-up is hard, especially during Covid and even harder with a toddler! I love to see people being able to make a celery juice with perfect-looking avocado toast in the morning after their yoga session, but that is unrealistic for most people, especially for me.

It's been three months post-launch and I realized I was becoming less productive because I was exhausted and mentally drained. But I took a week off, and I realized how much more inspired I am and better at my job and happier in my life since I've had some some time to breathe. So now, I have dinner super early with my daughter—for a French person, eating at 6:30 p.m. is VERY early—then once she’s in bed, I have time to read a book. And if I don't, I'll make it happen, even still. It used to be impossible to read since I had Inès—between work and motherhood, my mind couldn't focus on reading, but I am trying to make that into a habit again. Then, I'll light a candle, put some calm music on, take a bath, and have a glass of wine.

Bedtime Skincare

I double cleanse. I use Purito face oil. I love it. I massage it on dry skin until all my makeup is melted, then massage it in with water before I rinse it off. Then I use a cleansing gel. At the moment, I'm using a Glossier one to help remove all the dirt and makeup. After that, I apply Boum-Boum Milk over my face, massage a bit, and voila!

Shop Violette's Evening Routine:

Lights Out

I used to be a late sleeper, but now I crash quite early, between 10 and 11 p.m. The last thing I do is look for my husband’s arms.

Taylore Glynn is a former beauty and wellness editor for Allure. Previously, she served as beauty and health editor at Marie Claire and Harper’s Bazaar, and her work has appeared in Refinery29, Town & Country, Compound Butter, and RealSelf. She holds a master's degree in English and Creative Writing from Monmouth University. If you need her, she’s probably at the movies, braising a chicken, or evening out her cat eyeliner.