20 Questions With Charlize Theron

The Oscar-winning actress and J'adore by Dior spokesperson on her crime-show addiction, last meal, and the karaoke song she won't ever sing again

(Image credit: Archives)


(Image credit: Archies)

1. What brings you the greatest joy? My son.

2. What is the best advice you've ever been given? By my mother: Do unto others as you want done to you.

3. What charities do you support? I am a true supporter of humanitarian aid. Emergency-response results in conflict zones are so immediate that I have a real appreciation for people who work in the relief world. I try to integrate my work with the UN and my organization, Africa Outreach Project, to support that.

4. What is not to be missed on TV? Any form of crime show. I'm a sucker for all of them.

5. What's on your bucket list? Climbing Kilimanjaro.

6. Who do you follow on social media? I don't follow anybody, but I sometimes check in on Seth MacFarlane's Twitter account because I find him very funny, and Chelsea Handler's account. And Steve Martin's got a good one going, too.

7. What do you wish someone would invent? Something that makes ironing sheets easier. There's something so nice about crisp, crisp, crisp sheets.

8. What book had a profound effect on you? The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

9. Do you have a secret talent? I'm very, very good at cleaning. I would be an excellent butler.

10. What irrational fears do you have? Fear of flying.

11. Who is your girl crush? Juliette Binoche.

12. What are your vices? My liquor cabinet (always a good wine, a nice Armagnac, and vodka) and starch.

13. What's your go-to karaoke song? I'll tell you what my not-go-to karaoke song is. I learned it the hard way. "Danny Boy." That is a long song.

14. Of the seven deadly sins, which are you guilty of? I'm probably guilty of all of them, but I do think I have a sense of pride that sometimes gets in the way.

15. What would be your last meal? Oh, easy: a good bowl of udon noodles.

16. Favorite restaurant in the world? That's really tough. Sushi Park in Los Angeles.

17. Favorite hotel? Jesus. Four Seasons Resort in Maldives.

18. How did you make your first dollar? Singing in a plaza in South Africa.

19. What should every woman try at least once in her life? Doing the complete opposite of what you're told.

20. How would you like to be remembered? For being authentic.

Items pictured:

1. J'adore by Dior

2. The Little Prince by Antoine De Saint-Exupery

3. Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Landaa Giraavaru

4. Crisp sheets—one of Theron's favorite things

5. Juliette Binoche, her current girl crush

6. A good bowl of udon noddles: her ideal last meal


Charlize Theron: Nobody's Fool

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Image via Getty Images

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