This Week in Timothée Chalamet, July 5 Edition

Some very relatable art was created.

Eyewear, Fun, Cool, Photography, Glasses, T-shirt, Facial hair, Ear, Beard, Fawn,
(Image credit: Getty Images)

Because being a person in the world is hard and you deserve something nice, this is's regular column on everything talented young man Timothée Chalamet did that week. You can catch up on last week's here.

Hello, bald eagles, and welcome to another edition of This Week in Timothée Chalamet. It’s the week of Independence Day and I’m going to be out most of the week so I write to you from Wednesday, where I am praying nothing interesting happens that I won’t have my laptop around to cover.

After a week of getting sighted all over NYC, Timothée appears to be back in Budapest, where he has filmed various things on and off for a year or so. As an NYC resident, I’m a little mad I didn’t run into him? It seems like everyone else did! I go out! I do stuff!

Anyway, hére’s the column:

You know, a lot of fan-art that I am sent has to do with various takes on Timmy’s beautiful visage, and I am thankful for that. But I also love a reaction-type take, and these comics that the owner of Instagram account @timmydoodlez sent are both funny looks at celeb fandom and fitting tributes to the man himself. Here’s what they had to say:

“I got my account’s idea when I saw the 'timothée chalamet made me do it' doodles in the New Yorker by cartoonist Olivia de Recat (@drawingolive). I absolutely loved them and was also a bit relieved that I wasn’t the only one being so affected by Mr. Chalamet. But then I wanted more—no, needed them.... I figured I could try them myself, so I reached out to the amazing fandom on Instagram and asked for people to send me stories of their Timmy experiences—the good, the bad, and the utterly embarrassing, I wanted them all! I waited and waited and finally, after people decided I wasn’t a complete internet psycho, I started to get DMs from people all over! Basically, I make a doodle of someone paired with their Timmy experience and post it. That’s it, pretty simple. But I love it! I love drawing them. I love hearing all these amazing stories from people, and obvi I love Timmy but above all I LOVE the community it’s brought to me!”

So sweet! And these are adorable:

Text, Nose, Joint, Illustration, Leg, Jaw, Ear,

(Image credit: @timmydoodlez)

Cartoon, Text, Illustration, Teacher, Writing, Smile, Gesture, Art,

(Image credit: @timmydoodlez)

Cartoon, Clothing, Fashion, Joint, Shoulder, T-shirt, Footwear, Illustration, Muscle, Sleeve,

(Image credit: @timmydoodlez)

See way more of this cuteness on Insta, @timmydoodlez. Thank you for sending! (And if there's anything else you want to have considered for this column, email me at!)

My favorite writer of Timothée Chalamet news, Hunter Harris at Vulture, posted the following tweet:

I laughed. That's all!

And that’s the news! Have a wonderful holiday and a beautiful wéekend!

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Cady has been a writer and editor in Brooklyn for about 10 years. While her earlier career focused primarily on culture and music, her stories—both those she edited and those she wrote—over the last few years have tended to focus on environmentalism, reproductive rights, and feminist issues. She primarily contributes as a freelancer journalist on these subjects while pursuing her degrees. She held staff positions working in both print and online media, at Rolling Stone and Newsweek, and continued this work as a senior editor, first at Glamour until 2018, and then at Marie Claire magazine. She received her Master's in Environmental Conservation Education at New York University in 2021, and is now working toward her JF and Environmental Law Certificate at Elisabeth Haub School of Law in White Plains.