Queen Latifah Is a Motorcycle-Riding Badass Who Doesn't Take 'No' for an Answer

All hail the actress and singer, who shines in the title role of HBO's blues-legend biopic, Bessie, this month.

Lip, Cheek, Earrings, Hairstyle, Skin, Chin, Forehead, Eyebrow, Eyelash, Jaw,
(Image credit: Matt Baron/BeImages)

1. Picky about:My meals, mattress, and car Not so much about: My hair color. I'm sort of open to different tones.

2. I feel for: People who are trying their hardest but can't seem to come upon any good fortune. No sympathy: Those who take things for granted.

3. Glad it's ahead of me: More traveling. I cannot wait to discover new places. Glad it's behind me: Even tough times have med me who I am today.

4. Early for: Morning hikes. Late for: Dress fittings with my stylist. He always wants to kill me.

Identity document, Passport, World, Material property, Paper, Paper product, Debit card, Document, Money, Cash,

(Image credit: Archives)

5. Would pay good money for: A vacation. I work hard, but I also need my downtime. Wouldn't take even if free: Six-inch heels.

6. Fear conquered: Jumping into the middle of unchartered waters and skydiving. Not quite there yet: Swimming with sharks.

7. Moment of triumph: Quitting smoking. Epic fail: My tap-dancing career.

8. Skills mastered: Riding a motorcycle really fast. Can't quite get the hang of: Flying a kite.

9. Farthest vacation: Greece. Nearest: My bathtub.

10. Would try once: Almost anything. No, thanks: Eating Armadillo.

11. Too much in my life: Reality television. Not enough of: Time in the studio making music.

12. Worth the wait: Filming Bessie. Wanted to do it forever, but the timing was just right. No patience for: Bullshit

Jewellery, Photograph, Monochrome photography, Portrait, Monochrome, Necklace, Black-and-white, Vintage clothing, Portrait photography, Body jewelry,

(Image credit: Archives)

13. Career highlight: Ahhh, there have been so many—playing Bessie Smith, winning a Golden Globe for Life Support, producing with my partner Shakim Compere. Low point: I can't say a specific low, but I've been faced with a lot of challenges. Those lows have all turned into highs because I never took "no" for an answer.

14. Endlessly curious about: The world, math, science, different cultures. Zero interest: Negativity.

15. Totally get the appeal: Running a marathon. Don't get at all: Swimming in freezing-cold water.

16. Perfect day begins with: An amazing hike in 60-degree weather. And ends with: A meal at Milos in Manhattan with friends.

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