Obama Says Putting A Woman On Money Is a "Pretty Good Idea"

About time.

beyonce money
(Image credit: Archives)

Andrew Jackson, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt—these guys have a lot more in common than their status as influential figures in American history. They're also the men whose faces appear on our currency—the key word here being men. Currency critics wrote to Obama to express their displeasure about the outdated state of American dollar bills, and Obama agreed that getting a few females faces on our money is a "pretty good idea."

While their presences hasn't been significant, women aren't completely absent from United States monetary history. There's been a few underwhelming attempts to give women a moment in the currency spotlight, but that's all it ever wound up to be: a moment. Both of Susan B. Anthony and Sacagawea's dollar coins have been discontinued. Helen Keller briefly appeared on the Alabama state quarters. Once upon a time, Martha Washington was the only woman to be pictured on dollar notes. But compared to the longevity of male figure's reign over American currency, women's appearances have been sad and short-lived. With a bevy of women who achievements warrant timeless recognition, the real head-scratcher of this situation is why haven't any of the country's most revered women (think Harriet Tubman, Eleanor Roosevelt, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Rosa Parks, among many others) made an appearance on a paper note yet?

If Obama's on board to mend this serious hole in the country's monetary situation, then we can only hope that First order of business? Getting Queen Bey on a hundred dollar bill. We wouldn't dane to put her on anything less.

What other women do you think are worthy of getting their face splashed across a dollar bill? Sound off in the comments below.

Diana Pearl

I'm an Associate Editor at the Business of Fashion, where I edit and write stories about the fashion and beauty industries. Previously, I was the brand editor at Adweek, where I was the lead editor for Adweek's brand and retail coverage. Before my switch to business journalism, I was a writer/reporter at PEOPLE.com, where I wrote news posts, galleries and articles for PEOPLE magazine's website. My work has been published on TheAtlantic.com, ELLE.com, MarieClaire.com, PEOPLE.com, GoodHousekeeping.com and in Every Day with Rachael Ray. It has been syndicated by Cosmopolitan.com, TIME.com, TravelandLeisure.com and GoodHousekeeping.com, among other publications. Previously, I've worked at VOGUE.com, ELLE.com, and MarieClaire.com.