What the Royals' Favorite Takeouts Say About Them, According to a Behavioral Expert

Great, now I'm hungry.

Princes Harry eats a burger while Prince William watches on during the IRB Rugby Aid Match between The Northern Hemisphere and The Southern Hemisphere at Twickenham Stadium on March 5, 2005 in Twickenham, England
(Image credit: Photo by David Rogers / Getty)

All royal fans would like to know what their favorite princes and duchesses are like behind closed doors, but for the moment we'll have to content ourselves with digging into some of the fun little details they've revealed over the years—like their favorite foods and beverages, for example.

Here, behavioral and body language expert Darren Stanton looks into something even more relatable: the royals' go-to takeout orders. Yup, royals eat takeout, too.

2016 Royal Tour To Canada Of The Duke And Duchess Of Cambridge - Kelowna, British Columbia And Whitehorse, Yukon

(Image credit: Photo by Samir Hussein / Getty)

Kate Middleton

What kind of grub is the Duchess of Cambridge into, then?

"Kate has previously named curry, particularly those more on the spicy side, as her favorite," Stanton tells Marie Claire on behalf of Coffee Friend.

"Straightaway this tells me Kate is somebody that is prepared to take a bit of a risk, she’s not averse to stepping into the unknown and into being adventurous.

"Rather than sticking to the norm, people that like spice in their life are generally people that are outgoing, like to be fairly spontaneous and shake things up every now and then.

"This does appear to be quite accurate when we speak about Kate, as she does seem quite open to new experiences and discovery."

The duchess does often seem delighted to try local delicacies on her various royal tours.


(Image credit: Photo by Pool / Getty)

Prince William

"William, by contrast, is said to be less fond of spicy food although apparently still enjoys a good curry, however, is more inclined to opt for a korma rather than a vindaloo," Stanton explains.

"He has also cited pizza and Chinese among his favorite cuisines, which are again not very spicy and quite safe foods.

"If we reflect this onto his personality, we have a person that’s very stable and does not like to take uncalculated risks. They like to know where they are and what they are getting at any given moment and are less inclined to try new things.

"Overall key characteristics are stability, dependability and to an extent predictability of a safe pair of hands—especially for one who is one day to become king."

The mark of the British monarch is indeed that sense of consistency—just look at the Queen and her steadfastness.

The Duke And Duchess Of Sussex Visit Morocco

(Image credit: Photo by Tim P. Whitby / Getty)

Prince Harry

"Prince Harry is said to be partial to a Nando’s [a British food chain specializing in chicken] and was reportedly introduced to it by one of his royal protection officers," Stanton reveals.

"Nando’s is a kind of food that is fairly basic and what you see is what you get, however, it isn’t necessarily a plain choice as just like the different choices of spice, sometimes Prince Harry might be in a lemon and herb type of mindset whilst other times [he] might opt for the very hot.

"This would probably be true of his personality prior to settling down with Meghan as when he was in the army he was quite known for going out on the town, being quite spontaneous and a bit of a lad."

The Duke And Duchess Of Sussex Visit Bristol

(Image credit: Photo by WPA Pool / Getty)

Meghan Markle

While the Duchess of Sussex eats very healthy these days, she has admitted to liking a little fried delight from time to time.

"Prior to meeting Harry, Meghan was once quoted in an interview saying her favorite was a good old-fashioned skinny French fry—a staple food of America," Stanton says.

"Here you know exactly what you’re going to be getting and there is a sense of familiarity in choosing this sort of food.

"This shows she’s not removed from society or normality and can indulge in the most basic and one of the most popular foods [for] the average person."

Queen Elizabeth II And Duke of Edinburgh Visit Australia - Day 9

(Image credit: Photo by Pool / Getty)

The Queen

Apparently, the Queen likes fish and chips! Who knew?

"Fish and chips are of course the most British food you can possibly, get so this tells me that she is someone who is traditional in their outlook, as of course we might expect from Her Majesty," Stanton says.

"There have been rumors that the monarch also accepted to eat a kebab on a dare from Prince Harry.

"If true, this says she’s not afraid to step into the unknown a little and try something outside of the comfort zone.

"If you think about it, this is quite accurate because she has been the stable forthright character throughout her reign who has actually travelled the world and met many dignitaries.

"For someone to have done that, they must have an open outlook and a willingness to experience new customs."

Charles Tossing Pizza

(Image credit: Photo by Tim Graham / Getty)

Prince Charles

"While Prince Charles hasn’t named his favorite takeaway, he has shared that he's partial to a margarita pizza, which shows similarities to his son William," Stanton says.

"This is the safest of all pizzas [with] which you cannot really go wrong," he continues.

"No spice, no surprises, nice and simple, and what you see is what you get. So perhaps this is how William inherited similar tastes as he too has similar character traits to his father of being a little less of a risk taker."

The Duchess Of Cornwall Visits Fish and Chips At 149 In Bridlington

(Image credit: Photo by Shirlaine Forrest / Getty)

Camilla Parker Bowles

"Following in the footsteps of the Queen, it’s said that Camilla loves a good bag of fish and chips," Stanton says. I'm obsessed with that photo of her eating them, by the way.

"This again points to a person that is not afraid to be seen as very much themselves, comfortable in their own skin, free to choose the food that makes them feel good without the fear of what others might think despite a traditional choice," Stanton says.

"Again, this is true of the Queen and Camilla that they operate very much in their own skin while abiding with protocols."

Iris Goldsztajn
Morning Editor

Iris Goldsztajn is a London-based journalist, editor and author. She is the morning editor at Marie Claire, and her work has appeared in the likes of British Vogue, InStyle, Cosmopolitan, Refinery29 and SELF. Iris writes about everything from celebrity news and relationship advice to the pitfalls of diet culture and the joys of exercise. She has many opinions on Harry Styles, and can typically be found eating her body weight in cheap chocolate.