The Queen Has Been Advised to "Give Up Her Evening Drink" Ahead of Next Year's Jubilee

Martini? More like marti-no.

The Queen
(Image credit: Tim Graham / Getty Images)

Many of the best things in life are bad for us in excess, but royal advisers are now going after what sounds like Queen Elizabeth's fairly moderate drinking habits.

The thing is, Her Majesty, 95, needs to be in tip-top ahead of June 2022, when she will celebrate her 70 (!!) years of reign during the Platinum Jubilee. As such, the Queen's doctors have expressed to her that regularly drinking alcohol might not be the best idea for the time being.

"The Queen has been told to give up her evening drink which is usually a martini," a family friend tells Vanity Fair. "It’s not really a big deal for her, she is not a big drinker but it seems a trifle unfair that at this stage in her life she’s having to give up one of very few pleasures."

Bringing the point home, a second source adds, "The alcohol has gone, her doctors want to make sure she is as fit and healthy as possible." Sounds like HM won't have much use for her secret booze tunnels in the months to come. Perhaps I can make a booking if they're going to be going empty?

While the Queen will have to do without her nightly dry martini, sweet wine or champagne, she will still be able to have a drink for special occasions. To celebrate her right to the occasional indulgence, here are a bunch of photos of her enjoying a little boozy moment. Cheers!

The Queen

(Image credit: Alexander Hassenstein / Getty Images)

The Queen

(Image credit: Pool/Tim Graham Picture Library/Getty Images)

The Queen

(Image credit: Anwar Hussein / Getty Images)

The Queen

(Image credit: Mark Cuthbert / Getty Images)
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Iris Goldsztajn
Morning Editor

Iris Goldsztajn is a London-based journalist, editor and author. She is the morning editor at Marie Claire, and her work has appeared in the likes of British Vogue, InStyle, Cosmopolitan, Refinery29 and SELF. Iris writes about everything from celebrity news and relationship advice to the pitfalls of diet culture and the joys of exercise. She has many opinions on Harry Styles, and can typically be found eating her body weight in cheap chocolate.