Gillian Flynn Is Officially on Board for a 'Gone Girl' Sequel

How will the Dunnes be doing? "Not well."

We were enthralled by every single second of Gone Girl, but with the film ending the way it did—which we won't detail out of respect for the completely insane among you who haven't seen it yet—it felt like there was a whole other story left to tell.

Naturally, there is only woman, author of the book and screenplay Gillian Flynn, who can pen the next chapter. And as of today, she's agreed to do it.

"There could be a sequel at some point if everyone is game to get the gang back together—it could be really fun a few years from now," Flynn told the New York Daily News. "We could pick it up and see what those crazy Dunnes are up to a few years down the road and if they got on—not well I don't think." 

But there's a condition: "I would have to have the exact same people to do it—I would want Rosamund, Ben, and Fincher," she added.

Honestly we're not convinced this could actually happen (though Hollywood does love a good sequel...), but take solace in the fact that you can enjoy many Flynn offerings while you cool your heels. Next month, she'll be releasing a comic book story called Masks, which she created in collaboration with illustrator  Dave Gibbons. She's also writing the scripts for Utopia, an HBO drama series directed and executive produced by Fincher.

Plus, her debut novel Sharp Objects is being developed for TV, and the film version of Dark Places, starring Charlize Theron, Chloë Grace Moretz, and Christina Hendricks, is set to hit theaters later this year.

Does this woman ever sleep?

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Beauty Editor

Lauren Valenti is Vogue’s former senior beauty editor. Her work has also appeared on,, and in In Style. She graduated with a liberal arts degree from Eugene Lang College, The New School for Liberal Arts, with a concentration on Culture and Media Studies and a minor in Journalism.