What Is Bigfoot Erotica? So Glad You Asked!

Show up to the 2018 midterm election armed with facts.

Big Foot Holding Woman
(Image credit: CSA Images)

On Sunday evening, the term “Bigfoot erotica” began trending and, because it’s 2018, if your money was on “this has to do with our current political climate,” you were the night’s big winner. It started when Leslie Cockburn, a congressional candidate for Virginia’s 5th district, tweeted the following about her opponent, the GOP pick Denver Riggleman

"My opponent Denver Riggleman, running mate of Corey Stewart, was caught on camera campaigning with a white supremacist. Now he has been exposed as a devotee of Bigfoot erotica. This is not what we need on Capitol Hill."

Honestly, none of this is that surprising: The GOP is totally fine being the party of white supremacy, and with a name like Denver Riggleman I feel like “is into Bigfoot porn” would be one of the first things anyone assumed about him.

But within minutes, the differing opinions came and came (just like Bigfoot would if—you get the idea):

From my perspective, anyone who is white supremacist-adjacent should not be listened to ever again, but being into niche erotica shouldn’t be a disqualifying factor in public life. As such, MarieClaire.com would be remiss not to take advantage of this teachable moment and go deep on the subject.

Here are some commonly-asked questions (...I assume) about Bigfoot erotica:

What is Bigfoot erotica?

Probably self-explanatory, but it’s erotica (often written, though I did find some live-action films on Pornhub that I don’t want to link to on my work computer) involving the mythical North American woodland ape known as Bigfoot or Sasquatch. In the most popular Bigfoot scenarios, the creature in question is larger than a human and typically nonverbal. That means Bigfoot porn falls under the “non-human” fetish umbrella, though there's also kind of a dominance element to banging Bigfoot that shows up in a lot of scenarios. Dominance can be super hot, regardless of genus.

Does Harry and the Hendersons count as Bigfoot erotica?

I think so, but it probably depends on how you feel about John Lithgow.

Cartoon, Illustration, Fictional character, Art, Animated cartoon, Fiction, Drawing, Laugh, Primate, Sketch,

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Is Bigfoot real?

Well, that show Finding Bigfoot has been on for like seven years. If they had anything conclusive don’t you think it’d be bigger news?

But the Sasquatch Research Association (they’re a dot-org!!) is dedicated to searching for the truth and even has a whole page where you can report sightings. The most recent encounter is dated 2009, and comes from a self-described skeptic who became a believer when he came face-to-face with a ‘Squatch named Big Phil.

The story itself isn’t sexy, but the name Big Phil is a great option should the real Bigfoot decide to get into porn.

Why would someone theoretically be attracted to Bigfoot?

To answer this question, I turned to prolific author Chuck Tingle, creator of such titles as Seduced by Doctor Bigfoot: Attorney at Law and Bigfoot Pirates Haunt My Balls. He's basically the John Nash of Sasquatch erotica.

“I think it is because Bigfoot is a bad boy who walks between worlds,” Tingle told me, by way of explaining why people get horny for mythical woodland apes. “Sometimes he’s creeping along in the forest and you think, ‘Wow, that is dang mysterious. I hope he picks me up on his motorcycle and takes me on a fast ride that would be dangerous and fun.’” (Yes, Bigfoot drives a motorcycle in this scenario. Try to keep up.)

He continued, “But there is another side to Bigfoot that is kind and gentle, where he can teach you about the ways of the woods and show you which flowers to pick if you want to make a nice bundle to take home and put in a vase. So Bigfeet are sensitive in this way and I think that is very important for getting hard as a rock.”

I asked Dr. Kristie Overstreet, clinical sexologist and psychotherapist, about where Bigfoot fetishes fit. "Monster erotica, which includes sexual behavior between humans and monsters or creatures, is very popular," she tells MarieClaire.com. "Mythical creatures are based on our imagination and creation in our minds, which makes them even more stimulating. Whether it's Bigfoot, a merman, or the fish creature from The Shape of Water, many people find the thought of sex with these creatures highly erotic." She also says that wanting to do it with Sasquatch is a normal fantasy, and not something you should be ashamed of. "Bestiality is the act of a human having sex with a nonhuman animal," she says. "Monster erotica isn't the same thing."

Ultimately, says Dr. Overstreet, "There is nothing wrong with having a fetish. Start by accepting that you know what you like and what turns you on. Don't beat yourself up or feel guilty about it."

But do feel guilty if you're cool with white supremacy.

Sasquatch Sighting

(Image credit: RichVintage)

What does Chuck Tingle think about this news story?

Tingle says: “I would like to live in a timeline where preferred pound is not part of a political campaign discussion; where we can look at a candidate and say, ‘I do not think voting for them is appropriate because they are racist or homophobic’—not because they have a unique pound. I do not think we should talk about what gets people hard in a political way because that is not fair to equate.”

Let this be the final word on the subject.

Of course! Like any fetish, the key to enjoying it is to find ways to express it that make you feel good without causing harm. Reading erotica is a great way to do this, so might I recommend Chuck Tingle's Amazon page?

According to certified sex coach and writer Gigi Engle, you could also incorporate this fantasy into your actual sex life. "Have your partner wear a gorilla mask, if they're up for it," she says. "They can pretend not to speak a language and do a whole Bigfoot role-play."

There are also plenty of Bigfoot toys out there. Bad Dragon (links NSFW throughout) has a whole range of custom fantasy toys, including dildos, that would be amazing stand-ins for the real Bigfoot. (Unrelatedly, my birthday is coming up.) Fleshlight also makes a toy that’s actually called the Bigfoot Dildo, and it’s quite lifelike!

So that’s the deal with Bigfoot erotica! Make sure you're registered to vote in the upcoming midterms and enjoy your kinks responsibly.

Goodbye, my friends.

Cady has been a writer and editor in Brooklyn for about 10 years. While her earlier career focused primarily on culture and music, her stories—both those she edited and those she wrote—over the last few years have tended to focus on environmentalism, reproductive rights, and feminist issues. She primarily contributes as a freelancer journalist on these subjects while pursuing her degrees. She held staff positions working in both print and online media, at Rolling Stone and Newsweek, and continued this work as a senior editor, first at Glamour until 2018, and then at Marie Claire magazine. She received her Master's in Environmental Conservation Education at New York University in 2021, and is now working toward her JF and Environmental Law Certificate at Elisabeth Haub School of Law in White Plains.