How To Survive a Red Eye

These tips will help you through an overnight flight.

You'll never feel 100 percent after an overnight flight, warns Rebecca W. Acosta of Traveler's Medical Service in NYC. But with these tips, at least you'll land ready to face your boss or BF:

·Pick the latest flight, eat before boarding, and forgo the dinner, drinks, and in-flight flick.

·Brush teeth.

·Adjust watch to destination time zone.

·Stick a "Do not disturb" Post-It on your headrest or window.

·Put on an eye mask and a noise-canceling headset--and sleep.

·Get up, brush teeth, change clothes, and have coffee with a high- protein breakfast (e.g., yogurt, fruit, and nuts).

Check out this guide for how to ESCAPE WITH STYLE: Your Chic Travel Handbook.