Prince Louis Will Be "Feeling Pressure" to "Be on His Best Behavior" as Coronation Approaches, Royal Expert Says

Then again, what fun is that?

Prince Louis
(Image credit: Getty Images)

At 9 years old, Prince George is probably well aware that his grandpa King Charles' coronation is a big deal. While Princess Charlotte, 7, and Prince Louis, 4 (5 in two days!), have probably been told how important it is, it's possible that at their age they don't quite grasp just how much it truly is (although I'm betting Charlotte is more than ready for it).

"I think with George, [the Prince and Princess of Wales] will be able to sit down and have a more adult discussion about it, but they would have been easing Charlotte and Louis into the fact that this is a huge day, an important day, and a day where they've got to behave—probably telling Louis, particularly you have got to behave," royal expert Jennie Bond told OK!.

For the expert, the big day is likely to be a little confusing for all three Wales children.

"I should think they have a lot of emotions going through them—excitement and nerves, of course, but also pride at the fact their grandfather is the King," Bond continued.

"There is probably a bit of embarrassment too that they might have to wear some very peculiar clothes and be the center of attention on the day, as well as a good measure of pressure."

Prince George will be acting as a Page of Honour for Charles, so he will have actual duties on the day, while as far as we know, his siblings will get to simply watch the proceedings.

"They will be feeling the building pressure to be on their very best behavior as the day gets closer, but whether that penny will entirely drop with Louis remains to be seen!" Bond said.

Prince Louis

(Image credit: The Duchess of Cambridge via Getty Images)

As well as being quite young, it's become fairly evident in recent months that Prince Louis enjoys being a little bit "cheeky," as we saw at the Queen's Jubilee last year.

During that event, the young prince spent ages making all sorts of funny faces and massively embarrassing his older siblings.

At one point, he tried to place his leg in Charlotte's lap, with his sister immediately pushing him off her. And then there was Prince George, who was seen desperately cringing as he witnessed his brother's antics.

While perhaps Louis can be persuaded to keep the funny faces to a minimum during the coronation service in Westminster Abbey, Bond told OK! that perhaps Charlotte will be enlisted to help keep him "in check."

She said, "maybe Catherine will have had a little quiet word with her daughter about keeping an eye on Prince Louis during the service.

"That Charlotte is a confident young girl and I think she will take it upon herself to make sure that Louis, as best as she can, is kept in check."

Meanwhile, royal photographer Chris Jackson implied on a podcast that Prince Louis might once again prove to be "the star of the show" during King Charles' coronation (via Express). TBH, I would love that just for the meme material.

Iris Goldsztajn
Morning Editor

Iris Goldsztajn is a London-based journalist, editor and author. She is the morning editor at Marie Claire, and her work has appeared in the likes of British Vogue, InStyle, Cosmopolitan, Refinery29 and SELF. Iris writes about everything from celebrity news and relationship advice to the pitfalls of diet culture and the joys of exercise. She has many opinions on Harry Styles, and can typically be found eating her body weight in cheap chocolate.