Chloe Dao on Episode 6 of Project Runway

Season two winner Chloe Dao recaps the latest episode of Project Runway, season 6.

Missed an episode of Project Runway? Be sure to catch up on all the drama and fashion as your favorite winners and finalists from past seasons blog their way through season six.

Recapping the 6th episode is season two winner Chloe Dao. Be sure to check out Chloe's website,!

Warning: Spoilers ahead!

I am going to do this blog slightly different. I am just going to let you in my head and let you know what critical, mean judgmental and silly thoughts were running through my head during this challenge.

Let's start the show.

- Heidi's dress navy dress. She is human after all. The dress was so tight you can see the outline of her belly button.

- Nicolas needs a haircut so bad. He is sweet looking but that haircut is like a bad hair day every day.

- Tim Gunn sounds so much more gay this episode. And I love my gaysÖ

- Shirin has the most welcoming, sweet smile in the world. She oozes sweet innocent. She can sell me anything with that.

- Nicolas is coming more and more out of the closet. He is flaming.

- It is kind of weird to see all this straight guys on PR. PR to me is about the gays and the girls who love them. All my best male friends are gay. For my 26 birthday party in NYC, I had 25 guest, 23 of them were my gay Boys. That is why I was single so long in NYC.

- There really is no camera whore, no over the top egotistic designer, and no real drama. It is refreshing and boring.

- I thought it was funny when someone said, the competition is going to get tougher b/c it is less people. There is still 10 designers left, that's a whole lots of competition still. I never even thought about that until there were 5-6 people left still. That is when you know you are close to the end and it is real competition time.

Enough of that, let's critiques the designers. This challenge was fun b/c it was more then about making a pretty dress. This about understanding your film genre and making it work with your aesthetic.

Nicolas: the winner. This was the perfect challenge for him. He is a dreamer and this was his third attempt at this white dress kick he was on. Third time is the charm. The design was beautiful for film. He likes drama; he needs to stick to costume designing.

Ra' Mon: the loser. It was Sci Fi low budget dress. He was the clear loser. The color was the first wrong direction and killed everything else. Have you ever seen that color in any Sci-Fi film? No, never, exactly.

Gordana: The judge was right, where is she in these designs? She can construct her pants off though. Killer hands.

Althea: Very sultry, sensual dressing, quiet but good.

Chris: Love it; love his honesty about not knowing Fashion history. You do not need sleeves if you are a vampire.

Shirin: Saloon girl, easy way out. Hey, some time you just need to make it to the next round.

Logan: Ok, kind of looks like a home made Laura Croft costume. The boot kills me, so wrong for the outfit.

Irina: Very sexy, perfect for Film noir. Great lines in the gown.

Epperson: Perfect model for the theme. Very impressive, very well thought out in styling and designs. Western is not easy b/c every body thinks cowboy boots and hat.

Louis: I totally forgot about her. The dress was boring. Nothing special on camera. Pretty does not win on PR.

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