Did Cory Booker Give Beto O'Rourke the Side-Eye When Beto Spoke Spanish?

"Cory Booker's face just won the internet."

Forehead, Cheek, Ear, Gesture, Smile, Public speaking, Spokesperson,
(Image credit: Getty Images)

Cory Booker is nothing if not expressive, and when presidential rival Beto O'Rourke began speaking Spanish during his first answer in the first Democratic debate of 2020, well, it showed. That's if you're paying attention to Twitter, which is convinced that Booker gave O'Rourke the side-eye early on in the debate. "So far the best 'look' of the night," one person wrote. "It's been like 10 minutes and I am still thinking about Beto speaking Spanish and Cory Booker's face," wrote another.

To be clear, it's all kinds of incredible that a candidate decided to address both the English-speaking population and the Spanish-speaking population during an nationally televised debate; after all, 41 million Americans speak Spanish at home, according to the most recent census. (Booker followed suit a few questions later, speaking in Spanish in response to a question about family separation.)

But Cory Booker had a pretty...expressive reaction to Beto seemingly making the decision to be the first to set himself aside from other candidates with a multilingual answer. I won't begin to speculate at what Booker is thinking here; here's a clip for you to decide for yourself:

And Twitter, well. Twitter noticed.

Booker's change to Spanish also elicited reactions. (Although, let's put this in perspective: What's better than one candidate making his answers available to the solely Spanish-speaking population of the U.S.? Two candidates.)

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