Underneath it All

Summer heat means it's time to whip out the tank tops, but not before you make sure your underarms are in fighting shape.

Dove Clear Tone Skin Renewal Deodorant
(Image credit: Archives)

We know it's sandal season, and with the warmer weather, your feet won't be the only body-part out in the open. Tank top season requires underarms as pretty as you (or as close as is possible!), and aside from making sure your pits are hairless, you'll want to go one step further and ensure they are soft and even-toned.

Years ago, I used a creamy hair-remover that not only burned my skin, but also left me with dark marks under my arms. Embarrassed by my uneven skin tone, I rarely went strapless.

This remained the case until I recently stumbled upon Dove Clear Tone Skin Renewal Deodorant ($4). I was anxious to try it, and it turns out my excitement was well-placed. For the past two months, I have been using this anti-perspirant, and am super-pleased with the results. The skin under my arms is not only baby-soft, it is becoming one, even color.

How do you keep your armpits fresh during tank season?

Dara Adeeyo is a nail polish junkie who blogs her beauty diary on Dark Berry Beauty.