Definitive Proof Kate Middleton Wears Only 7 Things

Belted coats, lace, sensible shoes, and more.

Kate Middleton
(Image credit: Getty Images)

Kate Middleton has style. Or should we say, a style. Consistently spotted in the same silhouettes, color schemes, and hemline (singular; there is generally one hemline), she has the penultimate work uniform, albeit slightly altered to represent queen and country. As we know, her influence on the masses is not to be toyed with. Dubbed the Kate Middleton effect, her cosign impacts everything from selling out a blouse because it barely peeked out of her blazer to bridal cosmetic surgery. So without further ado, we break down the style of England's crown jewel.

Belted Coats

Kate Middleton Belted Coats

(Image credit: Future)

If anyone can rival Olivia Palermo's love of belts, it's Kate. A cinched coat, typically in a jeweled tone, is the Duchess' signature look. Note that the look generally comes with a demure hand clasp that looks straight out of charm school.

Actually, Belts on Everything

Kate Middleton Actually, Belts on Everything

(Image credit: Future)

On second thought, Kate Middleton's signature style isn't just a belted coat, it's the belt itself. What can we say? KMidd loves a nipped waist. She will cinch everything from skirt suits to formalwear. She even strapped one to her second wedding dress.

A Precise Hemline 

Kate Middleton A Precise Hemline

(Image credit: Future)

Take a look at our visual above. You'll see that Kate's hemline is the same every. Single. Time. We can't blame her, though: It's clearly the most flattering cut for her body.

Lace Dresses

Kate Middleton Lace Dresses

(Image credit: Future)

When a belted suit is a smidge too casual, Kate will opt for a lace dress with three-quarter-length or long sleeves.

Matching Fascinators 

Kate Middleton Matching Fascinators

(Image credit: Future)

Fascinators are part of British blood and heritage, so it's no surprise that Kate often wears one. Since they're usually color coordinated with her outfits, we can only imagine her vast collection looks like a rainbow.

Sensible Shoes 

Kate Middleton Sensible Shoes

(Image credit: Future)

When Kate first came on the scene she sent the press into a "princesses are really like us!" frenzy because she often re-wore the same sensible shoes. Five years later, she's still wearing down the soles of her favorite wedgesboots, and pumps.

Wild Cards

Kate Middleton Wild Cards

(Image credit: Future)

Every now and then Kate will surprise us with an outfit that doesn't feel quite right. Remember when your mom turned on the light while you were sleeping and your eyes had to quickly adjust? That's how seeing the Duchess in a tube top dress makes us feel. It's not bad or inappropriate—far from it—but it's certainly unexpected.

Justine Carreon

Justine Carreon is the market editor at covering fashion, Dutch ovens, and fashion again. When she isn’t approaching style through a modern, accessible lens, she’s scouring eBay for vintage Levi’s and pretending she knows how to surf. Before joining in 2015 she worked as a freelance writer and stylist in New York City.