Join Angelina Jolie's Fight for Human Rights

Angelina Jolie is at the forefront of the fight for human rights.

Angelina Jolie
(Image credit: Cliff Watts)

Two ways you can do your part:

1) Last September, Global Action for Children received a $1 million donation from Jolie and Brad Pitt. Founded in 2003, GAC is a nonpartisan advocacy coalition focused on raising U.S. support for orphans and vulnerable children, primarily in developing countries where parents have been affected by AIDS and other diseases. GAC also advocates providing free primary-school education to children in these countries. To learn more, go to

2) Daniel Pearl is one of 230 journalists who have been murdered since 2002. (An additional 100 died while on the job; the motives behind the killings are still under investigation.) The Committee to Protect Journalists was founded by a group of U.S. foreign correspondents in 1981 to protect journalists working in dangerous regions of the world and to raise public awareness of cases in which freedom of speech is in jeopardy. The CPJ does not accept government funding — they rely on individual and group donations. To find out how you can get involved, go to

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