Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Revealed That Everything We Knew About Their Dog is Wrong

My whole life is a lie.

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There’s been a few occasions when Prince Harry and Meghan Markle must have just sat back in their chairs and laughed at us all (in a nice way, obviously). Every time we get excited about them holding hands, probably. The online frenzy when the Duchess dared to close her own car door, definitely. And almost certainly over the discovery that everything we thought we knew about their pet dog is, in fact, a lie. So you win this one, Sussexes.

A few months after the royal wedding, it was reported back in August that Harry and Meghan had expanded their little family with the addition of a black Labrador Retriever to their home in Nottingham Cottage, and sources claimed to be certain that he (a male dog) had been named Oz. At the time, a royal insider told The Daily Mail: "The dog is already happily ensconced at their cottage. Like the Sussexes, the dog will divide its time between the palace and their country home in the Cotswolds.”

But hey, turns out said source basically trolled us all. Trolling about cute royal dogs—are you a monster, sir? During their debut visit to Sussex earlier this week, the Duke and Duchess as known dog lovers were gifted a pretty great drawing of their other pooch, Guy. To everyone's surprise, Harry openly confirmed: “Nobody’s even seen our dog!” while Meghan also revealed: “And they keep getting her name wrong!”

So there goes Oz. Bye, buddy. It seems that keeping royal dogs under wraps is kind of a big deal though, as Prince William and Kate Middleton apparently also kept their dog Lupo a mystery for quite some time, perhaps for safety or privacy reasons.

Either way, the best kept secret of the royal family continues, and we all miss out on more adorable photos of Harry, Meghan and dogs. Sigh.

Lucy Wood

Lucy Wood spends most of her time writing about celebrity news, reading books, and waiting for the glorious day that she have enough millions for a pet sloth. She also has a YouTube channel on the go where she pretends to know things about fashion and life advice.