Here's the Controversial SNL Parody Everyone's Talking About

Nazis, Klansmen, and Muslim-bashing, oh my!

Here's what SNL pulled off in a minute and 25 seconds last night: a Nazi joke, a white power joke, an Islamophobia joke, and two Ku Klux Klan jokes. And it was effortless. And it all fit together. Why? Because Republican presidential frontrunner and Billowing Macy's Parade Balloon Donald Trump has spent the better part of the past year stirring up those exact sensibilities deep within the dark hearts of millions of American voters. Or maybe those thoughts aren't buried so deep. 

Sure, Trump formally disavowed the KKK during Thursday night's debate, but the words he has said, says, and will continue to say, still resonate with myriad hate groups. Not to mention Trump, or "the intern," has been known to casually retweet postings from members of said hate groups. So cheers to SNL for going right for the gut last night and doing so with brevity and bite. Like the controversial ISIS short, this one is sure to piss a lot of people off. And you know what? Good. 

They also compared him directly to Hitler earlier in the show.