What Happens on 'The Bachelor' During Peter Weber's Season?

Peter Weber, a.k.a. Pilot Peter, a.k.a. the man that Bachelor Nation is calling "the perfect guy," is the Bachelor. Here are the spoilers we know for his season.

ABC's "The Bachelor" - Season 24
(Image credit: Noel Vasquez)

Spoilers for The Bachelor ahead. Peter Weber, a.k.a. Pilot Peter, a.k.a. the Windmill Hookup Guy, a.k.a. the man that Bachelor Nation is calling "the perfect guy," is our new Bachelor. (He's actually our second pilot, after Jake Pavelka, but will hopefully have a less nutty season.) Signs are looking good so far—Weber has a strong connection to his family (fun fact: his brother and dad are pilots and his mom was a stewardess) and boasts a smart, low-key, empathetic energy. Weber came in a close third on Hannah Brown's season, and Brown admitted that he was a terrific guy after their time together ended. (Brown also makes an appearance in Peter's season, which you can learn more about here. Again, spoilers!)

Also, since he's so low-key, you know that the producers are stacking his contestants with dramatic women. Thanks to some early spoilers, it already sounds unbelievably intense. So what do we know about the drama and spoilers of his season so far?

We know the women Weber did NOT select.

Welp, Hannah-Peter fans, I have some sad news for you. According to Reality Steve, Brown is not a part of Weber's Bachelor finale, she does not secretly come back at any point during the show, and Weber and Brown are not together now. So all this early season drama about Brown (did anyone else gasp when he asked her to come on his season during the premiere and she said, "Maybe"??) is over by the second episode.

Here's what we do know, apparently: The ending is convoluted. Weber didn't get engaged during his finale. But we do know he's with someone. And that someone is either Hannah Ann Sluss or Madison Prewett. Some post-show drama may have happened, which is why it's so hard for anyone to truly know (yet) what the end result of his season was.

We also, by extension, know that our runner up and season "villain" Victoria Fuller—more on her below—is not part of the ending either. It's not that Weber second-guessed himself and decided he was secretly in love with her. In fact, apparently he broke up with her during hometown dates, and he never met her parents at all. She came back to talk to him later, she convinced him to keep her on, and she ended up making it through to overnights. Then she got eliminated a second time. Wow. That is going to be interesting to watch. It's not quite as bad as Luke Parker's "I refuse to be eliminated/go home because we're clearly meant to be together" vibe (never forget), but it's not great.

Stay tuned, because apparently we're right on the cusp of learning something really big about this season. 

The end was, apparently, not "normal."

Last month, Reality Steve dropped a massive bombshell on us in a podcast. "On November 17 [the date that the finale was filmed] there was not: Hannah [Ann] shows up, Madison shows up, he dumps one and gets engaged to the other. Did not happen." So, in other words, this season's ending is not "normal," with two contestants and one selection. Whaaat?!

He later clarified in a spoilery post: No, he still doesn't know the ending. Peter Weber has said, on record, that this is going to be the first unspoiled season in a long time. Chris Harrison has teased that Weber's season might not be over yet. Steve believes that the reason the ending can't be spoiled yet is because the ending hasn't happened yet. In other words, it's potentially still playing out now post-show, with Weber...potentially still in the process of making his decision? 

Speculation has varied from: he dumps them both! to he wants to date them both! to he goes off to be with Hannah! to he quits the show! to he doesn't want to get engaged! Unfortunately, there's nothing definitive yet, so we all need to stay tuned with baited breath. That Hannah thing, though—has the show been giving us clues that Weber isn't over Brown and he's about to bail on the show? Is that what we're being set up for??

We already know more important plot points.

We know the final two women, Hannah Ann Sluss and Madison Prewett, but we have a few more important deets about what actually goes down. Madison is apparently a virgin, and it's a plot point in the show. There are some very out-there entrance intros and a ton of things happening in the premiere, so be ready for that. We also know a little more about Brown's appearance at the rose ceremony:

And how important her presence is to the show—more, even, than initially expected:

We also know that in the first episode there's a flash-forward to the end rose ceremony with Harrison telling Weber something important. Weber freaks out, there's some footage, of his season, his mom tells him "Don't let her go," (who's "her"?)...and that's all we get.

A flash-forward is unusual for the show, and as with Colton Underwood's fence jump, it essentially sets the stage for a nutty season to come. Also, since we still don't know the ending, it's a teaser to end all teasers. Can't wait!

Weber's worried about women taking advantage of him.

Entertainment Tonight's Bachelor expert Lauren Zima had a behind-the-scenes interview with Weber before his season officially started at the mansion. When asked about his biggest fear for his season, Weber responded that "the respect that I’m gonna show the women is not reciprocated, in regards to how seriously I’m taking this."

"I know it’s a fun opportunity. It’s a crazy experience, once in a lifetime," Weber said. "But I could be fooled in a certain way." Zima reminded Weber about the Hannah Brown-Jed Wyatt situation from The Bachelorette, and how she got fooled into believing Wyatt was interested in a long-term relationship. Weber looked down at the ground (uh oh) and replied, "It is what it is. Hopefully, it won’t [happen to me]."

What's particularly interesting is what we know about his season—namely, that this season's "villain" Victoria F. (more info on her below) did, allegedly, have some less-than-awesome pre-show behavior and gets called out on it during the show. So that's a little bit of (potentially unintentional) foreshadowing, right there.

The show drama became next-level.

Well well well. The dramatic ladies have not disappointed this season: We already knew there were a lot of pageant contestants (which is usually a synonym for "cattiness," unfortunately, although not always). We already knew that there was infighting, much more than Caelynn and Hannah B. of 2019's The Bachelor—more on that below. And now we know that the craziness extends way, way beyond that. The drama was so intense during filming that there were apparently full cliques within the house. They even had names, the fighting was so bad:

Oh god. This feels particularly bad, even by Bachelor standards.

We know Weber's top four.

One of them, Victoria Fuller, has apparently stirred up some controversy because of her behavior before the show. It isn't just limited to her singer ex, Chase Rice (who showed up on her one-on-one—more on that below), but to apparently the fact that she has dated several married men in the past and even broken up marriages with close friends, thanks to some Reality Steve spoilery sources. The narrative of the show will apparently dive headfirst into this, with someone potentially confronting Fuller about her behavior and Weber's choices coming down to a "bad" contestant vs. "good" contestants:

Oh, and Weier and Sluss apparently have had beef throughout the show, so a SECOND dimension to Weber's top four could/will be the two frenemies at war with each other. The top four have maximum drama, is what I'm saying. 

Someone came back after their elimination.

Alayah Benavidez apparently was fully ensconced in the craziness this season, because apparently it's the reason she's sent home. She subsequently comes back, pleads her case with Weber because apparently another contestant (Victoria Paul) lied about her to Peter. It doesn't work, and he sends her home:

Ironically, Paul ends up getting sent home eventually as well, so it doesn't end up working out for her either.

Weber had a major accident.

As reported first by Radar Online, Weber apparently was playing golf when he split his face open by hitting his head on two cocktail glasses he was carrying. He needed 22 stitches to the face. Let me repeat that. TO THE FACE. Producers must have screamed. Was it caught on camera??

Host Chris Harrison explained, "Peter suffered a freak accident. He got a cut on his head, he did get stitches but he's 100% OK and production is already back underway. He's still the dashing, handsome pilot we've all dreamed of." It hasn't stopped filming, although how they're going to handle a massive cut to the face, I have no idea.

Weber got down to his top 15 quickly.

Wow that was fast. So here are the women to watch out for when we ultimately do get the show on our TV screens in January:

  • Hannah Sluss (first impression rose recipient)
  • Lexi Buchanan
  • Kelsey Weier
  • Mykenna Dorn
  • Deandra Kanu
  • Natasha Parker
  • Victoria Paul
  • Victoria Fuller
  • Tammy Ly
  • Kelley Flanagan (met Weber pre-show)
  • Sydney Hightower (went to school with Bachelorette Hannah Brown)
  • Shiann Lewis
  • Kiarra Norman
  • Savannah Mullins
  • Madison Prewett

Noticeably absent is Sarah Coffin (a rumored early frontrunner) and Alayah Benavidez, who was also rumored to do well. Jade Gilliland, Megan Hops—the two flight attendants—and Alexis Thind, a fellow pilot, are also out, which means no one from the aviation profession is left. Thus far, I am mildly surprised by Weber's choices. It should make for a season that's less predictable and fun to watch, fingers crossed.

He had several one-on-ones, and one was super awkward.

Weber's already had a couple more group dates (an "epic" pillow fight hosted by Demi Burnett, a fashion show in which two contestants, Sluss and Weier, apparently had beef) and a couple one-on-ones with Kelsey WeierKelley Flanagan, Victoria Paul, and Victoria Fuller. The date with Fuller was unbelievably awkward, as the musical act accompanying the one-on-one was—likely deliberately—Chase Rice, Fuller's ex. And yes, both Weber and Fuller had to go talk to him afterwards. GAH.

We know all the locations.

This season's production officially started on September 20, and the first few dates (episodes 2 and 3, maybe 4) will take place in L.A.—a very media-savvy city with thousands of camera phones. Thus, early spoilery pics are comin', people, so get excited. We also now know that episode 4 will be in Cleveland, Ohio, and will involve the football team there:

Reality Steve also spoiled that the international dates (episodes 5-7) will take place in Chile, Costa Rica, and Peru, but it's unknown what the order will be at the moment. Episode 8, hometowns, will be...wherever the girls live. Overnights and final rose take place in Australia—the first time for the series, ever. Apparently the show has wanted to do it for a long time, but I also wonder if it has to do with the show also hoping to avoid spoilers by being far away from the U.S. I doubt that'll stop any of us (lol).

When the field starts to narrow, we'll get more insight about exactly which hometowns are happening, and where the show's going. Again, none of this has happened yet, so a lot of it is speculation.

Weber was ID'd as the potential lead months in advance.

Whispers of Pilot Peter started as soon as fans learned that he wasn't Hannah's final pick (he made it to overnights, then ended up being sent home straight after). He had a terrific exit, and his family was brought on for his post-show interview with Chris Harrison. Then, Reality Steve confirmed that the tight race between him and Mike Johnson had ended in Weber being selected as the final pick—not a surprising or a challenging pick for the producers.

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Katherine J. Igoe
Contributing Editor

Katherine’s a contributing syndications editor at Marie Claire who covers fashion, culture, and lifestyle. In her role, she writes stories that are syndicated by MSN and other outlets. She’s been a full-time freelancer for over a decade and has had roles with Cosmopolitan (where she covered lifestyle, culture, and fashion SEO content) and Bustle (where she was their movies and culture writer). She has bylines in New York TimesParentsInStyle, Refinery29, and elsewhere. Her work has also been syndicated by ELLEHarper’s BazaarSeventeenGood Housekeeping, and Women’s Health, among others. In addition to her stories reaching millions of readers, content she's written and edited has qualified for a Bell Ringer Award and received a Communicator Award. 

Katherine has a BA in English and art history from the University of Notre Dame and an MA in art business from the Sotheby's Institute of Art (with a focus on marketing/communications). She covers a wide breadth of topics: she's written about how to find the very best petite jeanshow sustainable travel has found its footing on Instagram, and what it's like to be a professional advice-giver in the modern world. Her personal essays have run the gamut from learning to dress as a queer woman to navigating food allergies as a mom. She also has deep knowledge of SEO/EATT, affiliate revenue, commerce, and social media; she regularly edits the work of other writers. She speaks at writing-related events and podcasts about freelancing and journalism, mentors students and other new writers, and consults on coursework. Currently, Katherine lives in Boston with her husband and two kids, and you can follow her on Instagram. If you're wondering about her last name, it’s “I go to dinner,” not “Her huge ego,” but she responds to both.