Taylor Swift Said She "Couldn't Have Asked for a Better Year" and Twitter Had a Meltdown


Taylor Swift has been off the grid for most of the year, relinquishing social media until she began promoting her newest album, Reputation. But following her 28th birthday this past Wednesday, Swift posted an Instagram noting she "couldn’t have asked for a better year." She also added, it was “all thanks” to her fans. And to put it simply, Twitter lost it.

It's no secret 2017 was a garbage fire of a year, for obvious reasons: the year of Donald Trump’s inaugurationwhite supremacy rallies in Charlottesvilleover 30 men accused of sexual assault and harassmentRoy Moore *almost* winning the Alabama senate seat, and many, many more events we wouldn't possibly want to ruin your day with listing here. So naturally, the people spoke up.

Here's hoping for a better 2018, despite the great year Taylor had.

Rachel Epstein

Rachel Epstein is a writer, editor, and content strategist based in New York City. Most recently, she was the Managing Editor at Coveteur, where she oversaw the site’s day-to-day editorial operations. Previously, she was an editor at Marie Claire, where she wrote and edited culture, politics, and lifestyle stories ranging from op-eds to profiles to ambitious packages. She also launched and managed the site’s virtual book club, #ReadWithMC. Offline, she’s likely watching a Heat game or finding a new coffee shop.