What Do We Do With These Photos of Brad Pitt and Regina King at the Oscars?

A: Make a collage for our childhood bedrooms.

Regina King and Brad Pitt holding his Oscar award.
(Image credit: Rachel Luna/Getty Images)

Gather 'round, shippers and fanfic writers of the internet. I have some purely wholesome content for you. It appears that Brad Pitt and Regina King were hanging out together at the Academy Awards, and I am here for it.

I would like to preface the round-up of sweet photos I am about to share with this statement: I am not trying to start any rumors here. I simply feel that we must obsess over these gorgeous images. Also, if you are artistically inclined, I hope that you use them to inspire some fan art. That is all!

You see, Regina presented Brad with his Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. Brad gleefully sprinted towards here to accept his trophy.

Regina King presents an Oscar award to Brad Pitt.

(Image credit: Kevin Winter/Getty Images)

As Brad delivered his speech, Regina watched from the side of the stage lookin' like a heart-eye emoji, as any and all of us would.

Brad Pitt delivers his acceptance speech at the Oscars as Regina King looks on from the side of the stage.

(Image credit: Mark Ralston/Getty Images)

After Brad's speech, the duo walked off stage. The eye contact! The HAND PLACEMENT! Gah!

Brad Pitt and Regain King look at one another as they walk away arm in arm.

(Image credit: Kevin Winter/Getty Images)

What are these beautiful people laughing about?! I must know!

Brad Pitt and Regina King backstage at the Oscars.

(Image credit: Handout/Getty Images)

Here is a photo of a situation that until this moment, only existed in your loveliest daydreams.

Brad Pitt leans in to kiss Regina King

(Image credit: Amy Sussman/Getty Images)

Actually, it happened not once, but TWICE. TWO. TIMES.

Regina King kisses Brad Pitt at the Oscars.

(Image credit: Handout/Getty Images)

The internet is obviously extremely jealous of this 45-second moment.

People are even calling for Brad and Regina to star in a romantic comedy together. Honestly, this is the feature film society needs.

Like I said, I really do not know what to do with these images. They will be forever ingrained in my memory, and I sincerely mean this as a good thing. I am so glad that we have this content, because now when I think back to the 92nd Annual Academy Awards, I will fondly remember Brad Pitt and Regina King's perfect encounter instead of all of the other messes that happened. (Maybe this is naïve. I'll probably remember James Corden and Rebel Wilson's Cats gag for the next few years.)

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(Image credit: Getty Images)
Hannah Chambers

Hannah Chambers is an entertainment editor at Cosmopolitan. She loves Little Mix, true crime, and blaming literally everything on Mercury Retrograde.